# Number Site Description 0 http://wizznic.org/ Open source puzzle game 1 http://dusted.dk/ Ringmasters webhole 3 http://krapbox.net/ Funny images from around the internet 5 https://blog.geocities.institute/ One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age - Digging through the Geocities Torrent 6 http://geekring.net Webring like 1993 7 https://smcameron.github.io/space-nerds-in-space/ Space Nerds in Space is an open source free software multiplayer networked starship bridge simulator for linux. 8 https://1kfa.com/table Virtual tabletop and dice-roller - just because I can 11 https://www.chrisdeluca.me Personal archive of articles, pictures and all nice things 14 https://mhasbini.com/ Quotes, book reviews, plog and photos from around the world 15 https://pkmnstats.com/ Spanish PKMN stats site 16 https://www.pakequis.com.br Portuguese electronics blog with nice pictures and teardowns 17 https://www.marbletrack3.com/ Marble Track 3 seems to be a big stop-motion project under construction 19 http://raviramanujam.com/ personal blog where I talk about history, food and geopolitics, occassional short story 21 http://theoldnet.com Get the Old Net 24 https://www.degraeve.com The Side Projects of Steven DeGraeve. Useful Web Tools Since 1999 26 https://aarontag.dev Comp-sci deepdiving and personal website 27 https://juanuys.com somewhere in North London lives a farther of two who likes to make games in his spare time. Games are the ultimate form of expression and entertainment, bringing together story, music, interaction, visuals and agency 28 http://www.acrasis.net Just another geekring site. 31 https://sftn.github.io A website of poetry and essays and stories about the Wired 32 https://www.deathcult.fun/ The Internet Death Cult of FUN 33 https://treasure.playaheadgames.com/ a treasure generator for the Castles and Crusades 35 http://tilde.town/~wingy Personal site 36 https://lukasmurdock.com/ A collection of useful resources and learnings on design, development, and marketing 37 http://verisimilitudes.net Venue for writing, including detailing my Common Lisp, Ada, APL, and other things 40 http://krazerlasers.com/ Fun with lasers and other cool stuff 42 https://andrewkdinh.com Personal website 43 https://www.matthewcantelon.ca Personal site and blog about software 44 https://mattstenson.com random techical bloggings 45 https://bogwarts.github.io/ Webcomic about programming (and magic!) 46 http://grae.io Personal blog 47 http://ctrl-c.club/~jlj/ Personal website 48 https://mflb.com Mostly plain text site posts some philosophy, some thoughts and notes about social media, and related matters 49 https://b13rg.github.io/ A site about old games, old hardware plus whatever catches my interest 52 https://bayesianneuron.com/website/ Personal website, blog and a return to simpler times 56 http://vkku.me/projects a personal website on which I mention my projects and it serves as portfolio too 58 https://bytecellar.com The vintage computing weblog 59 https://www.gdcorner.com/ SysOps, DevOps, Development, Unreal, Python are some of the topics 62 https://www.nickifaulk.com/ Birthplace of the Process of Illogical Logic - My little space, my home on the interwebs. I blog about personal stuffs, work, various coding projects, and anything else I feel like. 64 https://www.cnaanaviv.com Blog, short stories, hebrew 65 https://dyremyhr.no/ Personal webpage (norsk) 66 https://wordsandbuttons.online/ A growing collection of interactive tutorials, guides, and quizzes about maths, algorithms, and programming. 67 https://ultimate64.com/ FPGA Commodore 64 implementation 68 https://kaue.me I write about Life: Health (Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise), Wealth (Career, Saving, Investing), Love (Partner, Friends, Parents) and Meaning (Awareness, Fun, Good). 70 https://www.sixlines.org/ Blog, tech 71 https://gigazine.net/ Discover cool stuff 72 https://www.homebrewcpuring.org/ Webring for homebrew CPUs 73 https://www.ep.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~mkuriki/ Japanese homepage, research and programming 75 https://smallstar.space I write mostly about Buddhism, the mind and how it works, and health. 78 https://salwa.dev This is my personal website, I write about tech and non tech topics with a focus on software and side projects. 79 https://figbert.com Personal website, projects, posts, programming, old style 80 http://neekplanet.blogspot.com/ Neek - The neard and geek blog 81 https://simone.computer/#/webdesktops Desktop GUI Websites 83 http://ratfactor.com/ Peronal website, lots of interesting stuff to check out! 85 https://www.nowwerecookin.org/ Nicki's collection of recipes, open for all friends, family, and anyone who wishes to share from his/her own collection! 87 http://www.tachyonstorm.net/ Nostalgia project 88 https://newstuffforoldstuff.com/ Directory of new products for old computers 89 http://www.kradeelav.com krad's personal artists site sharing original creative works both online and offline and links. 90 https://thomascfoulds.com IoT and linux stuff in the home 91 https://roytang.net/ The personal website of a programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart. 92 https://theepdinker.com Having built several chicken coops, Don is a self-considered expert on poultry-grade construction. He now propagates pictures of cats on the internet. 94 https://www.robopenguins.com/ personal project archive. Mostly focused on electric art and messing around with software 96 https://fanlistings.nickifaulk.com/webrings/ Rings around the Internet 97 https://ilhanozgenxian.com a small blog, an about section, a page about my research 98 https://www.esgeroth.org/ Personal website, blog and a bit of silly stuff 99 https://petergarner.net/notes/ a definitely not-for-profit site and mainly write about technical stuff. There's some Raspberry Pi posts and random hardware projects I try out. Other than that, bread making 100 https://quartzosc-chip.neocities.org/mainpage.html mostly just talk about music and games on my website 103 https://www.vegard.net/ Pretty much just me rambling on about stuff I care about, some of it geeky, some of it not. 104 https://fanlistings.nickifaulk.com/icanhascheezburger/ My fan site for the I Can Has Cheezburger? website, which features funny animal videos and image macros (lolcats!). This site has been a source of joy since its inception, and so this is my little fan page to honor it. :) 106 https://dgy.fuckup.club/ links to all of my content on the web as well as my gopherholes. A couple of the links are still a work in progress, but most of the stuff is already there 107 http://tilde.town/ Nice intentional online community based around SSH shell access to a shared computer 108 http://www.trsatsuki.net/ both the personal hub and collective of fansites and projects created by independent artist Lukadian 110 https://scifirenegade.neocities.org/ Personal page 111 https://sadgrl.online/ a personal tribute to 90s/00s nostalgia on the internet blog and creative projects 112 http://gcbbs.duckdns.org Ground Control is a BBS client right in your browser! Go BBS! 115 https://drdru.github.io/ Learn Japanese without relying on translatio 116 https://quotes.bltucker.com/ Get a random quote 117 https://bogs.io Ethical hacking blog 118 https://sleepysprout.neocities.org/ Pixel website with goodies for the visitor 119 https://gw2calendar.tumblr.com/ A blog and calendar of in-game events in Guild Wars 2. From charity events, to trains, to parties and marches across Tyria. All events are welcome here! Submit yours today! 120 https://t9.no Website of Johannes Hove-Henriksen 121 https://www.cursors-4u.com/ Cursors for your cursory needs, computer wise, that is 122 https://itsyaboypedro.neocities.org/ started off as a personal site, but slowly evolved into a hub for all things fun, interesting and inspiring 123 https://christine.website/ Generally interesting stuff and blog 124 http://veryimportantplaylist.gr/ A cyber maze of hyperlinks 125 https://oh.mg/ OH.MG is a personal site with literally THE bestest URL on the face of the interweb networks, made from a hash of Gemini and HTML to make your day easy. 126 https://daevicflux.tumblr.com/ Nicki's fangirl gaming blog for a long-time obsession: Aion. 127 https://cobradile.neocities.org/ Excellent looking site with tools for gamedev and interesting links for exploring the web, gopher, gemini etc. 129 https://nineties.website/ Remember the nineties? The days when nobody used CSS, Mosaic was still a thing and HTML3.2 tags were written in ALL CAPS because they were IMPORTANT goddammit. It was a golden age when anything seemed possible and there was no Facebook to monetize our dreams. 130 https://linkyblog.neocities.org/ A little corner on the web to show some of my art as well as various nostalgia and passion fueled creative projects. 132 http://www.swellpage.com It's an old fashioned personal website where I upload my art and write about my hobbies. 133 https://cadnomori.neocities.org/ Fox's link to the World Wide Web, full of plenty of graphics, writings, information, and more of a bygone internet era. 134 https://rosiesworld.neocities.org/ just stuff i like 135 https://bagungus.neocities.org/shin.html I have made a site for myself, and I love webrings. There is a puzzle hidden in my site. 136 https://landofspaceandrainbows.neocities.org/ This is a site originally intended to be a sort of old school fandom shrine mainly focused on Star Trek and Homestuck. But now includes a variety of things and projects 137 https://ssnf.xyz personal website 138 http://www.geocities.ws/cutmanexe Lucky Lunatics, a collaborative art and writing project based (loosely) around the Mega Man games. We're the last remaining active branch of the once-thriving Mega Man Team Community 139 https://zeusofthecrows.github.io/ halfway between a personal 'site and a collection of stuff i've made. mostly customisation/theming (rainmeter, wallpaper engine etc.) 141 https://forum.agoraroad.com/ vaporwave Y2K nostalgia forum 142 https://obspogon.neocities.org/ Obspogon's Zone 143 https://suntooth.neocities.org/ Just a personal website 144 https://joebuck.neocities.org/ site for her silly art and her manic love for midnight cowboy. . . 145 http://www.vegetablearian.com a personal site with fanfiction, mods and more! 146 https://ancient-greek.net/ a small repository about the Ancient Greek language (ranging from the classic Attic period all the way through to Koine) 147 https://www.akselmo.dev/ small blog I have about techy stuff, for example how to setup Kubuntu for gaming and that sort of thing. 148 http://www.areasega.com Area Sega is a fun Sega news/media site built with the classic early 2000's html I used to browse. Has a Forum, Guestbook, and other cool features. 149 https://davidrutland.com mainly features book reviews and what I've been up to recently 150 https://thecrow.uk/ The Crow is a mildly paranoid website with a bent towards FOSS, but isn't overly technical 151 https://faehnri.ch/ about computer stuff like reverse engineering, or weird stuff in the C language. 152 https://skylerausten.com hosts my blog, projects, and other online resources 153 https://vastrecs.neocities.org/ It's a personal website 154 https://zeeslag.ichi.city/ personal site with my projects and other random stuff. It is all self made. I also have a blog and I add something new every week 155 https://blog.davidv.dev/ the description could be something like "blogging about computer stuff" 156 https://itsevergreen.rip/ Personal site of Evergreen. 157 https://graystea.neocities.org Lets sip a cup of tea and get lost in thought. 158 https://digitalbipolart.neocities.org/ I do post my amateur art and photography there...for free! 159 https://quix.us Obscure Things Collected or often Crafted by Jason Nemrow, a Renegade Kohen doing God's Work in the Midst of Gentiles. 161 https://windigo.neocities.org/ I plan on filling it with articles of all kinds ( of course in the limits of civility) 163 http://runningj.top This site is a blog to share my life and work. 165 https://thunix.net/ The Thunix project provide Secure Shell (SSH) accounts, Web Hosting, Email Accounts, and many other UNIX-like services 166 https://temaisgame.neocities.org/ My site has lot of content, and mostly has green color. 167 https://seirdy.one Seirdy's Home: personal website and blog for Rohan, A.K.A. Seirdy. I write about and develop software to promote user autonomy. 168 https://www.wellobserve.com artist/coder 169 https://www.pixouls.xyz This is a pixelated corner of the internet that is definitely a website! 170 https://itsvaeav.nekoweb.org/ Vaea's site is a personal site, meant to share Vaea's ongoing journey through cyberspace 171 https://isaacfish.neocities.org I write about my opinions, things I find cool, fiction, and whatever else comes to mind. I also maintain a link collection of things I find whilst websurfing. 172 https://pre-dead.neocities.org/ The site is home to a lot of things! 173 http://gcbbs.net a BBS running Mystic with web access right on the front page!!! 174 https://aphub.neocities.org/ No worries, it's got animated gif background! 175 https://vinc.cc Personal site, lovely layout, nice themes 176 https://leijiverse.neocities.org/ A fansite dedicate to the works of Leiji Matsumoto! 177 https://lord-nikon.neocities.org A personal site for a middleaged webdweller. 178 https://bulltown.2022.jenett.org/ a new take on content from the bulltown archives, circa 1998-2004 179 https://usamhswtf.blogspot.com/ a personal blog about abuses that occurred in the mental health system. 180 https://drwho.virtadpt.net/ Personal site, lots of interesting reading 181 https://austinhuang.me Personal website with some guides 182 https://aroace.space/contact Forevers�' site 183 https://metonym.neocities.org/ Personal website 184 http://draq.me/homepage.php a personal website for varied creative projects, mostly game dev and poetry so far 186 http://karlcalagan.com/ book blog 187 https://aiston.neocities.org Just a chill little coding place for me to experiment and have fun with 188 https://regex.life/index.html A website that is not all about regex, thankfully 189 https://www.neververy4.com/ Home of Dragon professional, Never Jhonsen, and all his shenanigans. Hand coded with love 190 https://creaturefeature.neocities.org/ Creature Feature is both a personal site and a love letter to monsters and even real animals 191 https://www.krowverse.services self hosting tutorials, personal stories 192 https://www.coelacanth-dream.com/ Japanese blog posts about OSS and hardware 193 https://j4yc33.starbase17.space It's pretty much just me aimlessly rambling about fun things I do, but it's fun things?! 194 https://cyberoctopus.neocities.org a personal site 195 https://twocatsinatrenchcoat.neocities.org/ My little corner of the internet, mainly dedicated to showing off the stuff i've made. 196 https://lottalinuxlinks.com The lottalinuxlinks.com linux user web blog is where an old linux user rambles on about linux, FOSS, movies, books, and other geekery. 197 https://kolesnikov.se/ I'm a software engineer, photographer, and professional procrastinator. This is my personal corner of the web. 199 https://www.datagubbe.se/ Most excellent articles on interesting topics, overall excellent site. (ringmasters review) 200 http://geeking-by.net The pop culture blog of a disabled British woman who collects chronic illnesses, reviews books, advocates for disability representation in pop culture, and frequently geeks out about all sorts of things. [sic] 201 https://melps.neocities.org/ the site is for my art, occasional walls of text, floating sandwiches, little js projects and all sorts of quote unquote stuff 203 https://johnlins.com I'm a programmer who enjoys writing in C and Golang... I also frequently experiment with ML. 204 https://the64thsanctum.net/ it is a site about all of my personal interests related to gaming, fantasy, movies, music, and all the other stuff I like 205 https://www.cameronsworld.net/ It's hard to describe, but I love it! (Added by Geekring) 206 https://www.valycenegative.it/ It's a personal art gallery focused on worldbuilding, where I upload daily urban scenes of a fictional metropolis set in a nostalgic yet undefined decade. 208 https://www.ericexperiment.com/ Lots of interesting projects! 209 https://occlub.org A virtual club interested in collecting, restoring, and history of computing. 210 https://paupowpow.neocities.org/ this is my portfolio of artworks created with Kid Pix Studio Deluxe (1998), design, creative coding and other smaller passion projects 211 https://emojicons.glitch.me/ Multiligual site favicon generator using emojis in SVG 212 https://antiquechair.neocities.org/ Well, its a mess of ideas. I just cram in anything good that comes to mind. I designed it to look like something from the 90s. 213 https://www.plugsocketmuseum.nl/index.html Digital Museum of Plugs and Sockets 214 https://dimension.sh small public linux shell host (or pubnix system) that is open to anyone who wants to learn, experiment, and socialize with other like minded people. 215 https://daximus.neocities.org An old web enjoyer's personal nostalgia space 216 https://arandomsite.neocities.org A random site 217 https://doctordizzy.space/ It's just a personal site where I plan to put whatever I want to make 218 https://argentnoelle.neocities.org/ my site is about fandoms, stuff I like, some character meta! 220 https://tsk.bearblog.dev/ Hello there! I am Tuan, and I write about personal life stories and random stuff on my blog! 221 https://rietty.com/ The ramblings and thoughts of a cat-loving software engineer who loves breaking things and fixing them. 222 http://mrpieceofwork.byethost33.com My website is me trying to figure out what to do with it, while re-learning CSS and hopefully some JS, if I ever get motivated to do so. It kinda seems to be turning into a DIT fan club currently, IDK 223 https://magnetware.neocities.org/ blog post, coding and other stuffs too 224 https://robophobia.neocities.org Electronic music releases and some downloadable MIDIS and NES sound files 225 https://theabsoluterealm.com/ the absolute realm is my personal website that houses my happy place and mind space, varying around gaming, references, easter eggs, art, programming, and more! 226 https://akbatten.com write-ups on the various engineering projects, tutorials, lovely 35mm photography 227 https://redstrate.com/ blog and also personal portfolio of artwork, music and other things 229 https://sword-of-stabbing.neocities.org/index.html Personal website 230 https://jasonhoward.com Not the only Jason Howard, but one of them. 232 https://vit.baisa.cz digital garden 234 https://foreverliketh.is/ A digital garden. Themes include: life, psychology and journaling. 235 https://woodencrow64.neocities.org personal site 236 https://ragge.gay/ This is my personal website; I'm an AV programmer from Sweden. 237 https://localghost.dev/ Personal site of coolness 239 https://tarraxahum.neocities.org/ I use it to host my (completely free) webcomic, write my very opinionated "reviews" on various media with badass women in it, and infodump about my hyperfixations in shrines. 240 https://ninacti0n.neocities.org 'An interesting place born out of the fusion of neon colors, retro vibes and sci-fi grunge! Home to my stories and projects, unusual compositions and funky arts, it's an ever-growing WIP with lots planned for its future' 241 https://vale.rocks the ramblings of an internet human who is an avid user of the superpowered information superhighway 242 https://rogs.me/ My site is my personal blog, where I talk about tech, rant and it's mostly my small place on the internet. 243 https://brisray.com/ Ray's Miscellany. It's a website of collections ofthings I am interested in. 244 https://axlraimi.neocities.org I am a film enthusiast planning to write movie reviews and I also love doctor who and star trek, they'll be very present in my site too in the form of shrines, art and blog posts. thanks! 245 http://uhf-channel-27.neocities.org fan site dedicated to Weird Al 246 https://ceterumcenseo.neocities.org/ a bit of everything: A blog, my personal projects, literature I read and recommend as well as rantings about marine life. 248 https://www.jbschirtzinger.com/ A Place For Things JB Schirtzinger Wants People To Know 249 https://joelchrono12.xyz I am a nerd, and I am quite fond of the small web and the good old days of the internet I never actually got to experience... 250 http://wirlaburla.worlio.com/ It's a geek site. I'm a linux geek/nerd, I'm an old retro computer geek/nerd, I'm an old software geek/nerd. It's essentially a site where a programmer obsessed with the older Internet and Linux talks, shares, and creates. 251 https://goldgust.net/ Colorful art, plus a blog about creativity, digital tools and how to combine them. 252 https://sioned.neocities.org/ personal site - i create 88x31 buttons and pixel graphics, post my photography and pics of my cat 253 https://110010100.neocities.org/ about experiments with text, image, video and electronics. 254 https://magzine.uk/ pictures and words 255 https://thycoop.neocities.org/ website is about stamps and photography and stuff 256 https://home.alscybercenter.com/ A virtual place to share my special interests. 257 http://mindcool.xyz:8080 personal site 258 https://oskar12354.neocities.org/ My portofilo website in a style of win95 259 https://covid2009.neocities.org My personal website. I do whatever. 260 https://dx4z.neocities.org/ It Is A Personal Page About Me That Is All 261 https://articexploit.xyz A cozy and comfy space where I share my: passions, interests, projects, ideas and more. Artic's trace of existence in the network 262 https://vari.neocities.org/ my personal site for just about any little thing i wanna put on a site. i really like computers and talk about them a lot, and i also like video games 263 https://scrapes-and-bruises.neocities.org fandom 264 https://xxxmachinegirlxxx.neocities.org/ personal blog of mine thats very old web in aesthetic 265 https://1x.neocities.org/ webring 266 https://denmchenry.com about web design, development, writing and comics 267 https://mr-pibbs-site.neocities.org/ personal page 268 https://taterinx.neocities.org personal site, a love letter to windows xp era 269 https://cujo.casa It's my personal corner on the internet and where I blabber on about the things that take up space in my mind 270 https://blog.darylsun.page/ An online diary of a lady's misadventures in two worlds 271 https://basementcommunity.com a web forum for chatting about general and more focus topics. It's meant for people who are fatigued from modern social media, so come over and chat 272 https://hollenreiter.neocities.org/ fansite dedicated to DC Comics character, Enemy Ace. I'm hoping for it to expand into an informative and archival place, but a fansite's a fansite. 273 http://aradiacollective.com/ a comic collective, Aradia Collective. It is a comic collective dedicated to creating, promoting and archiving magical girl comics 274 https://cleberg.net Just a blip of ones and zeroes 276 https://ineedmore.coffee personal site 277 https://sarajoy.dev It's my personal corner of the web, always a work in progress. It might have some useful stuff on it for others but really it's just a big HTML/CSS/JS playground for me 278 https://tequilamockingbird.neocities.org/ a queer girl who blogs, writes reviews for metaphysical, philosophical and classic lit, and my own writing stuff 279 https://paramdeo.com personal website 280 https://starbreaker.org an out-of-print sf author, metalhead, and developer 281 https://michealtheratz.neocities.org/ A little personal site about me and my life 282 https://oizyswrites.blogspot.com/ A practising self-memoir, recorded as an inconsistent logbook. 283 https://andrei.xyz/ the content I usually write about are vinyl records, movies, old gadgets, sticker and trading card collections, and some other crap 284 https://microbyte.neocities.org/ is my personal site, where I talk about whatever interests me 285 https://rambler.neocities.org/ personal site 286 https://privacyfreak84.github.io Home of Loserism, and the only official guide on how to be a pure loser. 287 https://kirkmania.neocities.org/#one It's a collection of stuff that interests me and some of my art. 288 https://leanrada.com/ a programming blog, my software projects, some code art, and other things. 289 https://pinkvampyr.neocities.org/ just my cute little website 291 https://shayanaqvi.github.io/ It's a personal website, it has a blog and showcases some of my work. 292 https://skaplan.io Personal website with resources, thoughts, details about open-source projects, and more. It is plain HTML, and much of the content is mirrored on Gopher. 294 https://thecozy.cat/ my personal site. It has a more modern look with a touch of Myspace-era nostalgia! It acts as a creative place to express myself, and I also host a webring of my own there 295 https://www.winstoncooke.com personal site 296 https://godteeth.com This is my personal space, where I blog, ramble, share my music and links I like, and so on. A semi-professional digital garden of sorts. 297 https://sephiria.com A colorful diary of my life, a place to express myself and share all that I am with others. 298 https://smoggy.neocities.org/ personal site 300 https://netizen.club the netizen club 301 https://theastralsea.neocities.org a personal site 302 https://crystal.tilde.institute personal website 303 https://baccyflap.com/ personal homepage 304 https://forum.vcfed.org/ Vintage Computer Federation Forums 305 https://varchar.neocities.org Minimalist personal website focused on technology, philosophy, and music. 306 https://alongcomesmary.neocities.org/ I'm Tandy. My site is all about old stuff- from Midnight Cowboy to Star Trek. 307 https://ristoid.net/ Geek content about frequency shifting, frequency modulation, chaotic systems, generative music, algorithmic approaches to analog video synthesis, print making and other visual arts, essays, and more 308 https://nomiconos.neocities.org/ This is just a personal website that I'm currently still working on. I'm aiming for an aesthetic encompassing the later (and at times earlier) 2000s and early 2010s. 309 https://maerk.xyz/ website is mostly just a blog where I brain dump stuff about computers, video games, or whatever else is on my mind. I also post updates on the Japanese arcade machines that I own. 310 https://allaboutthepentiums.straw.page/ ItXs a weird Al yankovic Fansite! :-) 311 https://tabatinga.co/ It's a small personal site where I put my drawings. 312 https://pcandmore.net/ I run a blog about techology and other topics. 313 https://nitallica.tumblr.com/ My Heart Is Nuclear - my Tumblr blog 314 https://magneticdogz.neocities.org/ A personal website dedicated to me, my art and all of my geeky interests! 315 https://vidovi.ch It's just a personal site, though I am actively working on some cool content in the Yugoslavian section. 316 https://indigo.re/ my website presents programs I made, a few tech articles I wrote, and also some images I made 317 https://www.devastatia.com/personal_homepage/home a publicly editable homepage where anonymous visitors can "deface" the pages and have them published in a defacement gallery. You know, for the lulz. 318 http://sech1p.ovh/ personal site 319 https://worldleaderpretend.neocities.org/ personal site 320 https://caitsith.neocities.org/ Hi my name is Frankie, and my page is mainly focused on old technology, retro games, and 90s/2000s web design. 321 https://r-4spberry.neocities.org use my website as a creative place, and just in love with it. 322 https://maradaflux.blogspot.com/ his is my quick one-click list of dailies and other things recommended to do in MaraPets. Simply a newbie's attempt to organize important links and learn more about how to succeed in this game. 323 http://cyborus.xyz/ personal website 324 https://fuzzybabycrow.neocities.org/ My site is mainly just about myself 325 https://george.mand.is This is my blog where I irregularly write about programmer-y things, travel stories and nonsense. 326 https://3r1c.net My website site is about smoll web and plaintext solutions. There's a blob, a blog and I also talk about survive in a collasped world :-) 327 https://cschad.com Personal blog about programming, productivity and linux and other nerdy content. 328 https://tertiaryapocalypse.neocities.org/ personal page 329 https://webwizard.ichi.city/ The personal webpage of a Wizard 330 https://vm70.neocities.org/ VM's Numbers Station 331 https://ltlnx.tw/ Personal site and blog 332 https://whitevhs.xyz my site is where i can express myself and explore topics that interest me. i am a musician and free software advocate. 333 https://www.aktsbot.in/ aktbots homepage 334 https://alainmauri.eu Personal page, blog, digital garden 335 https://billeast1984.neocities.org/ Athenaeum. 336 https://sixtoesss.neocities.org/ listen to music. read. laugh. get inspired. useful links. and whatever. 338 https://lime360.neocities.org/ lime360s website 339 https://maxwelljensen.no/ Personal site 340 https://kerosyn.link A place for an autistic person's brain ramblings to be dumped. Talks about video games, music, fiction, and whatever else 341 https://kersed.net/ A humble blog about free software and hacking the planet. 342 https://al-the-raven.neocities.org/ Al's personal site of art, projects, recipes, and links hoard 343 https://strangesite.neocities.org just a personal site for my artwork, blogging, and to practice html and css on 344 https://travelinghealer.neocities.org/ My site acts as a venting space to sort through my journey to recovery from an eating disorder. The focus is to be positive yet raw and honest about my experiences. 345 https://worstofevil.neocities.org/ a personal website/wiki based on the kdrama The Worst of Evil (2023) 346 https://hellacool.neocities.org/ HCs site on a lot of things related to the show Phineas and Fer and interests and fixations in some way and is always being updated. 347 https://www.benherbst.net/ Personal site 349 https://protoweb.org/get-started/ Retro internet via proxies 350 https://nathanupchurch.com/ It's my personal website, where I write about tech, free and open source software, design, vegan cooking, incense, music, and other things that I find interesting. 351 https://corvidae.digital/ my personal digital space! features my art, blog, collections, and more! :D 352 https://bundleofstyx.neocities.org/ hello! i use my site to showcase my art and share my thoughts (and just have fun playing with html and js!) away from the horrible panopticon of social media. i am *quite* the geek and very passionate about oldweb revival :] 353 https://tom.derg.rest 16y/o dragon-obsessed nerds site 354 http://unix.dog/~wiikifox/ It's my little personal site, no much to say about it :P 355 https://dshifter.neocities.org for publishing my art and other interests, and to experiment with html/css and Javascript 356 https://tellydraws.neocities.org/ random things on my personal website. Topics may include zines, bands, movies, comics, etc. 357 https://oerrorpage.neocities.org/ this site is miscellaneous 358 http://www.richkindle.net/coolarchive/ Resources for web developers! (The real kind that write their own god-damn HTML) 359 https://syntelang.github.io/ Live-coding platform called syntə, and a personal blog 360 https://jothamlim.com sharing project updates, or insightful picked up during work and life! 361 https://septic.lol/ Spec-Evo, Star Trek, Chess, Tetris, Speed-cubing and more!! 362 https://gradientos.neocities.org/ Lots of nerdy stuff! ;) 363 https://fructisfans.neocities.org/ This page is dedicated to fans of the legendary Garnier Fructis shampoo. 364 https://coomerland.neocities.org/ Personal site 365 https://maljek.neocities.org/ Hello! Above is my Star Trek fansite, mostly dedicated to my fan characters, but I also have some other writing (and plan to have much more...) 366 https://thefoggiest.dev Geeky tech blog! 367 https://frandszk.neocities.org/ personal site ft. a daily journal where i ramble about random things 368 https://desmondrivet.com personal hobby website and blog with no particular theme, except for stuff I found interesting at the time I posted it. It has a relatively long history, some parts of it dating back 20 years or so. 369 https://villapirorum.netlify.app Personal site / digital garden. [fr] 370 https://megmer.net personal website, including a blog and an origami gallery 371 https://www.archaeoramblings.com/ Personal blog about all the things that interest me, from gaming to my archaeological work. 372 https://monocyte.bearblog.dev a blog about manga, technology, music and anything else that i find interesting 373 https://theanswerto.life/ Trekkie, Hoopy Frood, and Student with AspergerXs learning to navigate life. 374 https://homepc.neocities.org/ Ukraine. games, modding and webdev learning. plus AuDHD managing :D 375 http://www.rinet.biz/ The website is my personal blog, or internet/digital journal. I post random thoughts and opinions there. The website is written with good old HTML4, and should load perfectly in some old browsers, such as IE5 and and Netscape 4. 376 https://kepler-16b.neocities.org/ hi!! this is my site, where I can rant about a bunch of stuff (mostly Doctor Who / other shows)! and hopefully my shrines page will be up soon too! 377 https://nicolabelluti.me Personal site 378 https://tommi.space personal page 379 https://dostoynikov.bearblog.dev/ Dostoynikovs blog 380 https://urara.pl/ It's my personal blog and journal, collections of writing, art, games and photography, and some travel stories - everything that makes me "me". 381 https://transatlanticism.neocities.org/ Personal site 382 https://alvin.codes/ Personal website 383 https://eva.town/ Digital garden with a fine collection of webrings ;-) 384 https://www.jimmyff.co.uk/ My site is a bit of a general blog featuring content like board game design, video games, coding etc! 385 https://foxthing.neocities.org/ funky lil mind palace 386 https://carajo.neocities.org a personal website, geek enthusiastic, retro computer vibes from the 2000s, built on pure html. expecting to share funfacts and awesome sites around. 387 https://sandwichcollective.art/ a small art collective with artist resources for convenience. we like sandwiches. 388 http://rakko.chasnah.com/ The Rakko Project is a repository for drivers, programs, and documentation for older computers that is be directly accessible by those computers. Also turned into a way to express frustrations with the proliferation of scams and corporatization of the modern internet. 389 https://cryne.me/ It's just a small personal page where I show some Projects I did and write some blogposts, although the frequency of both is "it depends" 390 https://lules-oddities.vercel.app/ Personal website 391 https://startat.nitallica.org/ A human-curated list of free resources for those who seek knowledge 392 https://www.dpolakovic.space Personal page of a person who reasonably enough prefer digital clocks over analog ones. 393 https://www.sdavidprince.space I write, draw, Code, and love to explore the internet. 394 https://braigwen.neocities.org/ An eclectic forest-y site with pixels, I've made and some fandom things. 395 https://zacharykai.net Zachary Kais website 396 https://slackjeff.com.br GNU/Linux and privacy activist since 2005. 397 https://grenlan.com My personal website where I talk about my hobbies, things I'm interested, and may or may not break. 398 https://rcrpodcast.com/ Retrocomputing Roundtable podcast is awesome 399 https://mxmmst.neocities.org/ Personal page. 400 https://pysgodyn3.neocities.org/ my site is a collection of my art and writing random stuff that I like plus a lot of personal stuff like blogging and collection pages 401 https://aketawi.space/ Personal site. 402 https://inkyflockdotaaa.neocities.org/ 10 year old furry artist in isolated town makes website about her interests and her art and whatnot. 403 https://venusinfoxfurs.neocities.org just some plain old foolishness 404 https://okasayaku.neocities.org/ Just your normal run-of-the-mill personal website 405 https://hariogrindset.com personal site 406 https://chris.funderburg.me/ Chris Funderburg's IndieWeb blog. He talk about work, life, the cloud, DevOps, platform engineering, social issue, and maybe a bit of politics. 407 http://johnbot.org Personal page. 408 https://blag.felixhummel.de/ A blog about software development, Linux, self-hosting and random thoughts. 409 https://sarwaruddin.net/ A personal website 410 https://nibonubo.neocities.org/ focus on solarpunk and sonic since they are my current interests 411 https://wanderingnork.neocities.org/ Has Dungeons and Dragons lore, some TTRPG homebrew, horror movie recommendations, and more. 412 https://jays-world.nekoweb.org y site is a personal site that is, of course, a WIP, and it is meant to look old. 413 https://windigone.nekoweb.org/index just a silly personal site where I want to write whatever I feel like it, also maybe post art on it as well 414 https://korigamik.dev.ar/ I like messing around on computers and write blogs on the internet about things I find interesting :) 415 https://goeshard.org it's am image board that goes hard. 416 https://fs2f.github.io a very tiny site 417 https://thomasm1248.github.io/ a collection of the HTML5 projects 418 https://www.44nifty.com ode to my favorite garbage. The shows I watch, the music I listen to, and the games I play. Heck, most of my favorite bands fall under the genre geek rock 419 https://www.computerhope.com/ since 1998 420 https://mjauuu.neocities.org/ Personal website, built for fun to house creators intrests 421 https://m0ch1scorn3r.neocities.org Its kind of just a personal website where i throw stuff i cant on social media 422 http://tombrandis.uk.to/ personal website 423 https://mrkod.eu.org/ Personal website and a showcase of my projects of sorts. 424 http://cadrega.dev/ Personal site